Regardless of whether disability, illness, or mounting debt threatens your home with a foreclosure, there are many available legal options that can save your residential real estate or manufactured home. At the law office of bankruptcy attorney Mark Herder, we review the terms of your mortgage, whether questionable lending and marketing practices were involved in securing or refinancing it and whether you are eligible to file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding. Especially in cases involving subprime second mortgages on real estate and home equity loans, lenders use a number of unscrupulous techniques to defraud or manipulate homeowners into accepting onerous terms likely to bankrupt them.
Columbus bankruptcy attorney Mark Herder represents clients involved in all of the following types of mortgages: conventional mortgages, fixed-rate mortgages, interest-only mortgages, variable-rate mortgages, adjustable mortgages, balloon payment mortgages, reverse mortgages, wraparound mortgages, subprime mortgages, jumbo mortgages and no-interest rate mortgages. To reference some of the required materials and documentation to start any bankruptcy proceeding, please access our
Links And Resources Section!
If you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy to save your home or real estate, you will be required to propose a monthly payment plan agreed to by your lenders, the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee and the United States Bankruptcy Court Judge. An appraisal of any real estate (your home) that you wish to keep will be also be required. In the State of Ohio, individuals and families commonly file a Chapter 13 proceeding to save their home from foreclosure. The "automatic stay" provision of the United States Bankruptcy Code stops and halts the foreclosure proceeding as soon as the Chapter 13 petition is filed. The individual may then bring the past-due mortgage payments current over a reasonable period of time (no more than 60 months or five (5) years). Under applicable Ohio and federal laws, the homeowner may lose the residence if the mortgage company completes the sheriff's foreclosure sale before the filing of the federal bankruptcy petition. The debtor may also lose the protected home if he or she fails to make regular and consistent monthly Chapter 13 plan payments that come due after the Chapter 13 filing (to save the home).
Please call Columbus bankruptcy attorney Mark Herder at
(614) 444-5290
today for an an absolutely-free, pressureless consultation regarding your options for saving your home with the filing of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy!